Photographic exhibition and projections: “Make Bubbles Not War”
Hosted by: Uni-vers-photos and Khaled Youssef Photographie et Poésie
Dates: Mai 11 – 26, 2018
Venue: 1 rue Penchienatti, 06000 Nice, France
Opening: May 11, 2018 from 18:00 to 22:00
Participating artist: Khaled Youssef, Syrian photographer and poet

“Make Bubbles Not War”

In a world full of uncertainty, violence and complexity, Khaled Youssef attempts, through this new exhibition, to bring moments of joy, inspiration and wonderment. And it is through the lightness and transparency of soap bubbles that adorn an empty space with the colors of the rainbow, that the photographer and poet travels across countries and continents to capture and immortalize a moment of grace and hope, and draw a smile on children’s faces. From Nice to Havana and from Iran to Burma, these creatures made of light air erase all frontiers to prove that humanity and the innocence of childhood are the path that unites us all.

Khaled extends this experience to the art-space “Uni-vers-photos” and offers other stories. The projected “Life photos” translate the movements of our emotions in the face of beauty, which animates our soul by looking at an image from a dreamed elsewhere, and this life that awakes in the deepest Self in the form of memories. In parallel, other images are drawn through the words, poetry offers a vast field of imagination, the verses hanging on the walls form the details of a painting that each one paints in her/his own way with her/his personal sensitivity.

This exhibition is a varied and plural experience, an invitation to travel, to the lightness and dreams through words, images and movements, a call to the emotions that define our humanity.


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