Make a Donation

donating = loving

SYRIA.ART Association pour la Promotion de l’Art Contemporain Syrien is deliberately apolitical, highlights art, artistic creations and beauty, and pays tribute to Syrian art and the creativity and talent of Syrian artists. It is all part of a philanthropic initiative advocating the values of Peace and Tolerance, interartistic and intercultural dialogue.

If you wish to help spreading the word of Peace and Tolerance through Art, please consider becoming One-time Patron with a single donation, or a Supporting Member with a recurring monthly donation of your choosing, between a cup of tea and a good dinner.

Monthly donation

You can  become a Supporting Member with a recurring monthly donation of your choosing:

♥ €   5 / month
♥ € 10 / month
♥ € 15 / month
♥ € 20 / month
♥ € 25 / month
♥ € 30 / month


One-time donation

You can also become a One-time Patron with a single donation in any amount, as a Benefactor, a Sponsor or a Major Sponsor.


You can also donate via :

♦ BANK CHEQUE made out to SYRIA.ART – Association pour la Promotion de l’Art Contemporain Syrien – 30 avenue Edouard Grinda – 06200 Nice  – France

♦ BANK TRANSFER (specifying your name in the description) to the following account:
Société Générale – Establishment: 30003 – Branch: 01494 – Account no.: 00037261738 – RIB code: 54 – IBAN: FR76 3000 3014 9400 0372 6173 854 – BIC: SOGEFRPP